Sunday, April 1, 2007

Here's The Plan

Here are some pics from my studio of my show in progress. The show opens in about two months at Jeff Bailey Gallery. The title of the show is Here's The Plan.

Above, a detail from the largest drawing. It's a nude cowboy. Kind of a theme, I guess. I'm relying a little bit more on solid bands of color. So far, so good.

Above, the largest drawing. I'm going to lop off a lot of the sides, so don't look so concerned. It's a drawing of a naturist cowboy on a mechanical bull juxtaposed onto an interior.

Above, two of the midsize pieces. You've seen these before, yes? Both still in progress, but getting there.

Above, a group of smaller drawings, all finished. Below, the other wall of midsize drawings. If it looks like I haven't done much on the one on the right, it's because I haven't done much on the one on the right. Lay off. It's possible the blue one won't make it into the show because of time constraints. The grey one is also still in play. I said lay off.

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